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September is recognized by organizations around the world as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM). CCAM is a chance to educate yourself, get involved, and help bring attention to the 300,000 children worldwide diagnosed with cancer each year.

Tucson ER & Hospital supports the American Childhood Cancer Association’s movement to Go Gold in September to raise awareness and honor the brave kids around the world who have fought and are fighting cancer.

Learn More

Childhood cancer is made up of more than a dozen different types and countless subtypes. The types of cancers that develop in children are different from those found in adults. The most common childhood cancers are:

  • Leukemia
  • Brain and spinal cord tumors
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Wilms tumor
  • Lymphoma (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin)
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Retinoblastoma
  • Bone Cancer

Each year, 15,780 children in the United States between the ages 0 to 19 are diagnosed with cancer. Statistically, that means 1 in 285 children will face a cancer diagnosis before their 20th birthday.

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it alters the lives of everyone who loves them. What should be the carefree years of childhood spent making friends, playing sports, and going to school, turn into hospital visits, testing, and medicating.

Childhood cancer is devastating, but there are effective ways you can help.

Make A Difference

Go Gold

Since 1997, the color gold and the gold ribbon have represented childhood cancer. Every year, fun-filled Go Gold events take place across the nation to raise money for kids with cancer. What makes these events so special is the fact that anyone who wants to can organize one.

By planning a local fundraiser at your work, school, or church, and registering your event with the ACCO, you can do your part to show support and spread awareness. You can host any kind of event you’d like, so feel free to get creative—the possibilities are endless.

To give you some ideas for your Go Gold event, here are examples the ACCO suggests:

  • Sell gold ribbon stickers for a small donation
  • Host a gold ribbon bake sale, selling cookies or cupcakes wrapped in gold & donate the proceeds
  • Sell tickets and host a gold-themed or “Golden Oldies” dance party
  • Create a gold jewelry party, costume parade, or fashion show
  • Organize a 5K walk, a 10K run, bike ride, or relay. Ask runners to wear gold and donate to participate
  • Host a night at your school’s basketball game. Ask players to wear gold laces, provided by ACCO, and pass around donation buckets
  • Host an event at a salon and for every gold manicure/pedicure, donate a percentage of proceeds


Legal advocacy is needed for children with cancer on the state, federal, and international level. You can make a powerful difference for childhood cancer by being proactive and shaping local and state policies. Staying informed about current issues, writing to congress, and meeting with legislators are all influential ways to get involved.

On a smaller scale, you can take action to advocate by organizing events, speaking about childhood cancer publicly, and getting other people to support the cause.

Bring the change and be a voice for those who can’t advocate for themselves!


If you feel moved to do more, donating money is a great way to support the children and families facing cancer. Each foundation, medical institution, and non-profit charity raise funds for different objectives. By researching these organization’s missions and donating to one of your choosing, you can provide information, support, and services to those who gravely need it.

Below are a few popular organizations fighting to help children with cancer: 

If you know a family that’s being affected by childhood cancer, check out the ACCO free family resource form. Choose from resources like journals, a medical play kit, books, a cozy stuffed animal, and more to send the family, free of cost.  

Tucson ER & Hospital supports the families and children in our community who have or are currently battling cancer. For CCAM, we Go Gold in honor and memory of you.

Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, Tucson ER & Hospital and Nutex Health state no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.

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